Maureen Walsh is an international visionary artist specializing in public art : murals, mixed media installations and textiles made with natural dyes.

She’s a visionary cranio-sacral therapist, ENERGY GUIDE + meditation teacher.

She graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2005 with a BFA in fibers. After graduating she moved to Brooklyn, NYC and worked many random jobs (retail, babysitting, artist assistant, freelance installation art + seamstress) before co-founding the design studio, Domestic Construction in 2007 with a fellow SCAD graduate.

The NYC chapter was a magical time filled with lots of excitement, elaborate creation + collaboration, party and the crazy hustle. 

Toward the end of her time in New York, Maureen completed her first 200 yoga teacher training and started exploring different forms of meditation and alternative healing modalities.

After many years of fast paced living and wild nights out, she realized that it was time to begin the process of healing from the loss of her Mother (who passed away from brain cancer when she was 16). Starting that process laid the foundation for the untimely passing of her Father in 2013. After her Dad’s transition, she realized that life in the City would no longer work for her, so she went on a solo quest to explore different cultures and to search for a deeper meaning of life.

In the process she experienced many cultural celebrations, customs + philosophies on death. She studied several alternative healing modalities, yogic practices and art forms with master teachers around the globe. She also surfed many epic waves and formed a deep and nurturing relationship with the Ocean. Her travels took her all over the world (for several years), through central +  south America, parts of Europe, and across most of Asia.

In 2017, after receiving her 300 hour yoga certification, she spent eight months as the resident artist at a retreat center in Northern India. Her time there opened up new pathways of creation and healing. During that time she painted her first three murals and wrote her first song. She wasn’t trained in painting or music but she was able to open her creative channel through the meditative practices she had learned and through the vibration and magic of India. 

When she returned to the states, her path started unfolding in new and unexpected ways. Over the last four years she’s created twelve large scale public murals as well as a mixed media installation for Cleveland State University through the Ohio Percent for the Arts Program. Her life is inspired by all of her travels and cultural experiences.

Connecting to far- off people and places makes her heart and soul sing and will always be a part of her unfolding journey.

This connection is encoded into her work, as her art and healing now flow + blend together. She infuses healing, intention and love into every piece of art that she creates. And she uses her visionary eye during healing sessions to help clients find lasting freedom + joy and their own unique expression in the world. 

Maureen is inspired by travel, connection, freedom, expansion of consciousness, the magic + intricacy of nature, sacred geometry, music, ancient handicrafts + cultures, plant medicine and the healing power of the ocean. She currently resides on the North Shore of Oahu.

While she has many places around the world to call "home", she has come to realize that the most important home will always be deep within her own heart.