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DECEMBER 14-16, 2018

THE GLASSHOUSE PROJECT 15800 Detroit Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107

Friday: 6:30PM-8:30PM

Saturday & Sunday: 1PM-3PM

$185 (Includes all three days)

Join us for a three part immersion into the chakras! Learn to tap into and balance your chakras through kriya, movement, meditation and creative exercises. Discover your full potential by unlocking the ancient wisdom that’s stored within your system. Free yourself from past trauma + confusion and begin accessing the profound power + light that’s in and all around you.

We will briefly break down each chakra and you will learn specific practices + tools that you can take home to continue the immersion. We will start from the bottom and work our way up, clearing the way for the energy to rise.

Come with an open heart + mind and be prepared to dive deep!

DAY ONE: exploration of chakras one - three

DAY TWO: exploration of chakras four - six

DAY THREE: exploration of chakra seven + a deep journey with live music through all seven centers

Along with the 3 day immersion, each participant will receive:

- A printed manual with all the information, practices and exercises (along with room for notes) from the workshop.

- A 30 minute cranio sacral healing session with Maureen to help target specific areas in the body and life that could use more balance.